Frequently Asked Questions:
Where can I purchase my small group lessons?
You can purchase a single small group lesson or a small group pack by clicking the links at the bottom of the page!
What is a Small Group Lesson?
Small Group Lessons are designed to prepare young players for their upcoming spring and summer seasons. Sessions run one hour in length and typically include 40 minutes of hitting and 20 minutes of throwing and fielding. Lessons are conducted by Certified Cages Instructors, many of whom played college or professional ball. Lessons are held to a 4:1 player to coach ratio to ensure quality instruction. Fielding lessons are held to a 6:1 player to coach ratio.
How old do players have to be?
We conduct two different age groups, an 8-11 year old group and a 12+ group. We try and follow these age guidelines as close as possible to ensure ability in each group is similar so instructors can carry out drills accordingly!
How often do lessons take place?
Take a look at out small group schedule anytime! Our Small Group Lessons schedule follows the demand of our clients as close as possible! We conduct multiple lessons a week from December - March, however we do have lessons going year round, so don't be afraid to get a head start!
Are there ever any position specific lessons?
Yes, during the late winter and early spring pay attention to our online Small Group Lessons schedule because we conduct pitching and fielding specific lessons for the hour!
With Further questions about our Small Group Lessons, please send us an email at:!
Single Lesson - $35
4 Lesson Package - $125
8 Lesson Package - $245
To purchase a single lesson, click the button below!
To purchase a 4 pack of small group lessons, click the button below!
To purchase an 8 pack of small group lessons, click the button below!